Volunteers at the windmill
Shipley mill has been run for the last 22 years entirely by volunteers - The Friends of Shipley Windmill.
The Friends have always been on the lookout for more people prepared to give up an occasional Sunday or Bank Holiday afternoon to help open the mill to visitors. Volunteers have carried out such tasks as taking the money and selling souvenirs at the desk, as well as acting as guides on the various floors of the mill. 
Training has been given, together with briefing sheets about each floor.
Volunteers have helped with the restoration and the maintenance of the building, and have carried out such tasks as cleaning and painting, as well as repairs to the structure and restoration of the machinery.
Some jobs, like making and painting smaller parts, have been done by volunteers in their own home or workshop. 
We have also had a small group of mainly retired members who have worked on the timber structure on Wednesdays each week throughout the year. The last working party was held just before the windmill closed, on July 15th.
Now that the mill has been handed back to the landlord, it is his responsibility to maintain the windmill, which is a Grade 2 star listed structure, and all enquiries about the mill should be directed to him (see home page).